Friday, 18 November 2011

Alhamdulillah ya Allah..

Assalamualaikum peeps! :)

Since I'm still having my semester break, so I can say that I have plenty of time to waste my so-called precious time to write a second post. *ceh bukan tiap2 hari pun awk dok ngadap laptop ni ke cik yin* Yep! my second post.hehe. So,based on this entry's title mentioned above..what do you have in your mind?*kepada cik dayah n sape2 yg dh tau tu sila diam* huhu. Alhamdulillah means that you are very grateful n thankful to Allah due to the good things that happen to you. Or it can also mean that you're just being thankful for all the blessings that you have. But in my case, yes, I'm very thankful and syukran ya Allah..for listening to my du'a. *nk nanges bole?* For the past few months, so many things had happened..that had taught me to become a better person, and believe in Allah that He has prepared something better for me.

And the beginning to the next great semesters! insyaAllah..the upcoming semester is just around the corner. *next week la tuh* I've already registered my new subjects for my second semester. Hopefully everything goes well and may my 2nd sem be much awesome! hehe. Owh I just wanna share my lovely and endearing subjects for this new semester. *perli ke ape*. Here is the list:

1. General pathology and disease process
2. Basic microbiology
3. Eye anatomy and physiology
4. Physical and geometrical optics

Tadaaaaaaa! awesome right?HAHAHA. =,= I'm still thinking whether or not to add one more UCS subject. But it depends on my capability la kan. *kalau dh rasa susah tu xyah kot*
Ok till here babe. So the conclusion is I'm happy with my result hehe.

May good things come ahead!