Hello there! Assalamualaikum peeps! :)
Gahhhhhh....All of sudden I have the temptation to write a post at midnight. I need to express something. So, here I am..eager to throw my bottled up feelings on my blog. Nahhhh..it is not an interesting story ponnn. Just a matter of sharing and doing a bit of flashbacks on WHAT I MISS. But of course a positive flashbacks though. :)
1)I miss high school.
If u asked me the best memory I've ever had in my life, my one and only answer would be during high school. Why? Because high school was the place where I collected so many memorable experiences. I had the best time of my life there. My 5 years of high school contained indisputable good memories. I enjoyed being a high school student because I met many good friends and there were millions of awesome things happened. *ok to be exact, I didn't count LOL* Great teachers, cool schoolmates, having crushes, marching, debate, and the list goes on. Having crushes was the most childish thing I could remember =.=. Because when I think about it now, I feel like asking myself, "what were you thinking at that particular time? macamlah takde orang lain." Haha. :p Then I remember that I joined a competition called 'Forum Remaja'. I was the 'pengerusi majlis' with my 3 other friends as the panels. It was our first experience joining that competition but it wasn't that bad though because we managed to attain the 3rd place. And guess what? I was rewarded the best 'pengerusi majlis'! woot woot hehe. Other good memories would be 8as in PMR, getting the 'tokoh pelajar' award as well as 'the best student for spm'. I also joined many activities during high school. I've been to many programmes like 'sukarelawan al-falah', quizzes, camping, and me and my friends also joined a 'merdeka celebration programme' in which we had to dance! Sounds fun right? I told you I had great high school experience. hehe. If i want to list everything about high school, then I'll be writing non-stop.
2) I miss childhood.
Childhood was my fearless time in life! hehe. I spent most of my childhood in UiTM Shah Alam because we lived there for a few years. My first kindergaten was in UiTM and as far as I remember, there was one unforgettable incident happened on my first day there. I waited for my father to pick me up but I didn't know why suddenly I decided to walk by myself instead of continue to wait. Fyi, I was only 4 years old at that time. Because I thought that I remembered the way and direction to go home but then I realized that I was wrong. stupid me =.=. So I just continued walking and finding myself lost. But luckily I was found by 'mak guard' and she took me to my father. Ohhh pity ayah had to worry about me.huhu. I love to play a lot with my neighbours as UiTM is very big for us to explore hehe. Sometimes we got scolded by ayah for forgetting to come home early and being so stubborn. Haish. Every night, me, my brother and my neighbours will go to another block for 'mengaji' and we walked together. Goshh the journey can become scary if light was off and UiTM students were having holiday. After mengaji we liked to play 'kejar2'. Yup, childhood was full of fun and happiness. Besides, I was a feminine girl during childhood and I am still a feminine girl until now. hehe. I love to wear skirts and I had a collection of beautiful skirts! I was lucky enough because my parents were pampering me with beautiful clothes and the best thing was I had the power to choose which one i like! But now, I prefer to wear jeans compared to long skirts and of course with the touch of feminity.hehe.
These are two different timeline in my life that I miss the most! Maybe next time I'll be writing other things that I miss. InsyaAllah. Ok darlings, cherish your life, keep the good memories and delete the bad ones. I have my last paper on wednesday. Then, holiday for 2 weeks! I cannot wait weeee~ Take care :)
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
Friday, 18 May 2012
Selamat berfikir.
Assalamualaikum peeps! :)
Hope everyone is just doing well and may Allah bless all of us.
I would like to share certain situations that I encountered or from someone else 's experience.
I realize that many people nowadays are lack of respect or do not know the meaning of respect itself. They do not realize how important it is to have respect towards other people, regardless their status, age, gender, and ethnicity. It is one of the informal lessons that we learn at home since our childhood as our first experience would be to respect our own parents. Why? because they are older than us and they are the one who brought us to the world. But please, respect does not just end there. Respect is for everyone, not only for older people. If we want others to respect us, then we must also respect them. It is a simple mathematical equation that we do not even need any books to refer to. A simple situation would be, for instance, a rich guy and a poor guy. They would not share the same life status but in Islam, they are just the same; human. Thus, just because he is poor, it does not mean that he does not deserve any respect from his colleagues.
Have you heard that when your life value increases, you should keep silent and humble? Of course keeping silent here does not mean that you should not talk and just put a smile on your face. No. It means that you have to be humble and not arrogant. To be humble, means to remind yourself that everything you have might just be temporary and Allah can take them back from you anytime He wants. I always remind myself that whatever I have now might just be a test from Him to see whether I will be a grateful person. Yes, things that we adore can be a great test to us because human tends to engage in them until they forget to thank Allah for what they have. My own experience would be my education. Alhamdulillah, Allah always ease my studies and I think I am very lucky because I usually get flying colours results. But everytime I receive my result, a question always pops in my head. Should I announce my result so that everyone can know exactly what I got? Then, I think to myself, Allah might want to test whether I'll be 'riak'. So i'll just tell if only people ask me.
Actually, I have so many things to write, but I am not feeling very well. So till here.
p/s: Untuk dapatkan sesuatu, Allah tidak hanya menyuruh kita berdoa, tapi perlu berusaha. Dua2 sama penting sebab segala yg berlaku adalah dengan izin Allah. Kalau setakat berdoa tapi tak berusaha, macam mana nak berjaya. Kalau usaha tanpa doa, maknanya kita lupa dari mana kejayaan tu datang. Contoh apa yg berlaku pada penduduk palestin. Memanglah bagus kita berdoa untuk mereka, tapi tak salah kalau kita juga berusaha walaupun xsebesar mana agar suara kita didengar, agar rakyat seluruh dunia tahu akan kekejaman Israel. Itu namanya salah menggunakan kebebasan bersuara. Kalau pasal politik bukan main memperjuangkan kebebasan bersuara sampai lupa untuk berfikir. Tapi hal saudara seislam sendiri yang jauh lebih besar hanya cukup setakat pandang dan berdoa. Tak berniat nak menunding jari kepada sesiapa tapi fikirlah kita ni xselamanya senang. Bila ditegur, melenting. Tapi bukan main kalau orang lain buat salah, kita yg pertama bising. Keburukan orang kita selalu nampak, sampai lupa dengan kelemahan diri sendiri.
Semoga Allah berkati kita semua, dan tunjukkan jalan yang benar. Aminnn.
Hope everyone is just doing well and may Allah bless all of us.
I would like to share certain situations that I encountered or from someone else 's experience.
I realize that many people nowadays are lack of respect or do not know the meaning of respect itself. They do not realize how important it is to have respect towards other people, regardless their status, age, gender, and ethnicity. It is one of the informal lessons that we learn at home since our childhood as our first experience would be to respect our own parents. Why? because they are older than us and they are the one who brought us to the world. But please, respect does not just end there. Respect is for everyone, not only for older people. If we want others to respect us, then we must also respect them. It is a simple mathematical equation that we do not even need any books to refer to. A simple situation would be, for instance, a rich guy and a poor guy. They would not share the same life status but in Islam, they are just the same; human. Thus, just because he is poor, it does not mean that he does not deserve any respect from his colleagues.
Have you heard that when your life value increases, you should keep silent and humble? Of course keeping silent here does not mean that you should not talk and just put a smile on your face. No. It means that you have to be humble and not arrogant. To be humble, means to remind yourself that everything you have might just be temporary and Allah can take them back from you anytime He wants. I always remind myself that whatever I have now might just be a test from Him to see whether I will be a grateful person. Yes, things that we adore can be a great test to us because human tends to engage in them until they forget to thank Allah for what they have. My own experience would be my education. Alhamdulillah, Allah always ease my studies and I think I am very lucky because I usually get flying colours results. But everytime I receive my result, a question always pops in my head. Should I announce my result so that everyone can know exactly what I got? Then, I think to myself, Allah might want to test whether I'll be 'riak'. So i'll just tell if only people ask me.
Actually, I have so many things to write, but I am not feeling very well. So till here.
p/s: Untuk dapatkan sesuatu, Allah tidak hanya menyuruh kita berdoa, tapi perlu berusaha. Dua2 sama penting sebab segala yg berlaku adalah dengan izin Allah. Kalau setakat berdoa tapi tak berusaha, macam mana nak berjaya. Kalau usaha tanpa doa, maknanya kita lupa dari mana kejayaan tu datang. Contoh apa yg berlaku pada penduduk palestin. Memanglah bagus kita berdoa untuk mereka, tapi tak salah kalau kita juga berusaha walaupun xsebesar mana agar suara kita didengar, agar rakyat seluruh dunia tahu akan kekejaman Israel. Itu namanya salah menggunakan kebebasan bersuara. Kalau pasal politik bukan main memperjuangkan kebebasan bersuara sampai lupa untuk berfikir. Tapi hal saudara seislam sendiri yang jauh lebih besar hanya cukup setakat pandang dan berdoa. Tak berniat nak menunding jari kepada sesiapa tapi fikirlah kita ni xselamanya senang. Bila ditegur, melenting. Tapi bukan main kalau orang lain buat salah, kita yg pertama bising. Keburukan orang kita selalu nampak, sampai lupa dengan kelemahan diri sendiri.
Semoga Allah berkati kita semua, dan tunjukkan jalan yang benar. Aminnn.
Monday, 30 April 2012
Harini hari berdebar.
Assalamualaikum peeps! :)
Harini datang kelas critical thinking. Memang lebih separuh yang tak datang wuahahaha. Al-maklumla esok kan cuti 1 Mei. So ramai la yang gatai ambil cuti sendiri. *mcm xpuas hati jek* Tapi lecturer still ajar so takdela rugi pun datang kan hehe. Lepas tu patutnya ada kelas english, tapi cancel. So dengan senang hatinya balik la apa lagi. Ada cerita favourite menanti pukul 3 nanti. keh3. *suka suka* Tapi al-kisahnya bila kelas dah habis tu belum sempat nak keluar kelas tiba2 dengar suara sumbang mengatakan yang result last sem dah keluar. Gulp! Yin pun apa lagi terus gelisah dan terkejut sebab takde announcement pape pun.huhu.
Dalam hati bengang je dengan MSU konon nak buat surprise leteww. Selalunya dia bagitau awal2 yang result nak keluar bila. Haishhh hati dub dab dub dab, terus tak senang duduk. So lepas discuss dengan kawan, yin ambil keputusan untuk settle pasal MUET dulu sebab takut tak bole view result. Lepas dah settle tu, balik la rumah. Bukak web nak tengok result tapi takuuutttt. Gaya dah macam tengok cerita hantu je. Sebab time tu dah nak pukul 3, so decide untuk tengok cerita favourite dulu before view result hehe. Yelaaaa takut hilang minat nak tengok plak karang haha. xD
Then fikir punya fikir..ahh! tengok jela. Bila lagi nak tengok ye dak? Sambil tangan kanan nk tekan tab untuk view result, tangan kiri pula berperanan menutup mata. Sambil tu intai2 melalui celah2 jari. Tula gaya yin tengok cite hantu hehe. Lepas dah tekan result memang bole view. Maka mata pun intai2 la dan terjawab sudah persoalan hahaha.
Alhamdulillah, bersyukur dengan nikmat Allah. Walaupun ada sikit tak puas hati, tapi apa yang yin dapat tu setimpal la kan dengan usaha. Yang penting, masih dalam target yin dan masih dapat naik pentas lagi nanti xD. Sebab belajar ni kena ikhlas, dan usaha tu bukan datang dari mulut je tapi perbuatan.Setiap orang ada rezeki masing2, yin bersyukur dengan apa yang yin dapat. :) Setakat ni, 3 org je yang dah tau result. Termasukla cik teha my gf. Sape nak tau tanya sendiri ye sebab P&C. hehe.
*sekarang tak bole view result pulak dah sebab server down. Dahla tadi tak print lagi huhu. =.=
Harini datang kelas critical thinking. Memang lebih separuh yang tak datang wuahahaha. Al-maklumla esok kan cuti 1 Mei. So ramai la yang gatai ambil cuti sendiri. *mcm xpuas hati jek* Tapi lecturer still ajar so takdela rugi pun datang kan hehe. Lepas tu patutnya ada kelas english, tapi cancel. So dengan senang hatinya balik la apa lagi. Ada cerita favourite menanti pukul 3 nanti. keh3. *suka suka* Tapi al-kisahnya bila kelas dah habis tu belum sempat nak keluar kelas tiba2 dengar suara sumbang mengatakan yang result last sem dah keluar. Gulp! Yin pun apa lagi terus gelisah dan terkejut sebab takde announcement pape pun.huhu.
Dalam hati bengang je dengan MSU konon nak buat surprise leteww. Selalunya dia bagitau awal2 yang result nak keluar bila. Haishhh hati dub dab dub dab, terus tak senang duduk. So lepas discuss dengan kawan, yin ambil keputusan untuk settle pasal MUET dulu sebab takut tak bole view result. Lepas dah settle tu, balik la rumah. Bukak web nak tengok result tapi takuuutttt. Gaya dah macam tengok cerita hantu je. Sebab time tu dah nak pukul 3, so decide untuk tengok cerita favourite dulu before view result hehe. Yelaaaa takut hilang minat nak tengok plak karang haha. xD
Then fikir punya fikir..ahh! tengok jela. Bila lagi nak tengok ye dak? Sambil tangan kanan nk tekan tab untuk view result, tangan kiri pula berperanan menutup mata. Sambil tu intai2 melalui celah2 jari. Tula gaya yin tengok cite hantu hehe. Lepas dah tekan result memang bole view. Maka mata pun intai2 la dan terjawab sudah persoalan hahaha.
Alhamdulillah, bersyukur dengan nikmat Allah. Walaupun ada sikit tak puas hati, tapi apa yang yin dapat tu setimpal la kan dengan usaha. Yang penting, masih dalam target yin dan masih dapat naik pentas lagi nanti xD. Sebab belajar ni kena ikhlas, dan usaha tu bukan datang dari mulut je tapi perbuatan.Setiap orang ada rezeki masing2, yin bersyukur dengan apa yang yin dapat. :) Setakat ni, 3 org je yang dah tau result. Termasukla cik teha my gf. Sape nak tau tanya sendiri ye sebab P&C. hehe.
*sekarang tak bole view result pulak dah sebab server down. Dahla tadi tak print lagi huhu. =.=
Saturday, 28 April 2012
Dating di sunway.
Assalamualaikum peeps! :)
Ketika ini, pada waktu ini, kakiku sakit, perutku kekenyangan, mataku berat. Tapi...macam biasa mana bole tido awal. Tak muda la kan. Tak gitu kengkawan?hehe. Walaupun penat tapi harini manyak syokkkkk tau. Sebab dapat dating dengan kekasih2 gelapku. Dating di mana? Macam biasa tempat favourite la. Dan yang penting misi cik nani dan cik dayah nak tengok movie The Avengers sudah tercapai. *clap clap*. Cik yin menumpang je.
The Avengers; Berjaya merembat tickets pada pukul 3.45pm. Memang laku btol sebab time kami sampai nak beli tu baru pukul 12 camtu la. Yang tinggal seat kat dua bahagian depan. Jadi alkisahnya ambil jela yg second row. Mak ai punya besar skrin berpinar2 mata yin.hehe. Tapi overall memang best lah! Lawan2 plus gelak2. So takdela serius je memanjang kan hehe. Satu wayang pun bertepuk tangan bila ada part yang best dan lawak. Bravo! :D Owh Tony Stark you are so funny plus annoying at the same time hehe but you are the hero at the end of the movie.
Delicious; Disebabkan wayang start lambat, so kami lunch la dulu kat Delicious. Saje nak try sebab tak pernah masuk. Environment i like~~ romantik gitu hehe. Sesuai untuk dating keh2. Makanan ok kot cuma yin pi order macaroni cheese yang tersangat muak! =.= so pasni taknak order dah.haha. Yang pasti kami bertiga posing sakan kat dalam tu hehe. Meh nak tempek gambar skit.
Present hunting; Berjaya! dah beli hadiah untuk birthday ayah hehe. So tak payah pening2 dah tunggu je bulan 5 nanti nak kasi. Takleh story hadiah apa. Secret recipe hehe. Tapi yin pun ada beli hadiah untuk diri sendiri gak. *nak jugak*.
More presents; Ex-beday girl bahagia lagi sebab dapat hadiah hehe. Thanks girlfriends!
Banyak lagi nak cerita tapi dah penat. Esok mau pulang ke kampung. So kesimpulannya harini sangat happy. :) Jadi hargailah orang2 yang tersayang. hihik.
Ketika ini, pada waktu ini, kakiku sakit, perutku kekenyangan, mataku berat. Tapi...macam biasa mana bole tido awal. Tak muda la kan. Tak gitu kengkawan?hehe. Walaupun penat tapi harini manyak syokkkkk tau. Sebab dapat dating dengan kekasih2 gelapku. Dating di mana? Macam biasa tempat favourite la. Dan yang penting misi cik nani dan cik dayah nak tengok movie The Avengers sudah tercapai. *clap clap*. Cik yin menumpang je.
The Avengers; Berjaya merembat tickets pada pukul 3.45pm. Memang laku btol sebab time kami sampai nak beli tu baru pukul 12 camtu la. Yang tinggal seat kat dua bahagian depan. Jadi alkisahnya ambil jela yg second row. Mak ai punya besar skrin berpinar2 mata yin.hehe. Tapi overall memang best lah! Lawan2 plus gelak2. So takdela serius je memanjang kan hehe. Satu wayang pun bertepuk tangan bila ada part yang best dan lawak. Bravo! :D Owh Tony Stark you are so funny plus annoying at the same time hehe but you are the hero at the end of the movie.
Delicious; Disebabkan wayang start lambat, so kami lunch la dulu kat Delicious. Saje nak try sebab tak pernah masuk. Environment i like~~ romantik gitu hehe. Sesuai untuk dating keh2. Makanan ok kot cuma yin pi order macaroni cheese yang tersangat muak! =.= so pasni taknak order dah.haha. Yang pasti kami bertiga posing sakan kat dalam tu hehe. Meh nak tempek gambar skit.
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Four cheese macaroni. Patutla muak haaha. |
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Nampak x bird cage? So comel~ |
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Suka sgt environment dia~ |
More presents; Ex-beday girl bahagia lagi sebab dapat hadiah hehe. Thanks girlfriends!
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Tudung diterbangkan khas dari kelantan.Haha. |
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Bookmark/paper clip yg super comel and besar! hehe. |
Saturday, 21 April 2012
Birthday girl is a happy girl!
Ish tak abes lagi ke cerita pasal birthday ni?haha. Ye, tak abes lagi. Sebab harini birthday girl nak cerita yang dia happy sangat dapat hadiah best2. Mestila happy sebab setahun sekali je dapat hadiah best n banyak. =.= eh bukan tak bersyukur ye, bersyukur sangat! Sebab kalau bukan birthday pun yin berjaya buat muka kesian kat mama pastu mama tolong bayarkan keh3. xD Yin suka sangat time birthday bukan sebab hadiah je, tapi bila kawan2 wish and doakan yang baik2 untuk yin, itu semua hadiah2 yang sangat bernilai tau tak! Siapa tak suka didoakan yang baik2. Bukan selalu kan dapat macam tu. Ye, saya sangat emotional. Tak perlu cakap. huhu. Yela mungkin bagi orang lain benda tu macam kecik je tak kisah sangat pun, tapi bagi yin tak semua benda kecik tak bernilai, tak semua benda kecik tiada nilai sentimental. Faham?
Contoh paling simple yin bagi:
Kejadian lepas masuk lif kt kondo cheras dulu. Time tu sorg je so of course la lepas tu lif nak tutup kan. takkan biar terbukak kot. Tiba2 ada one chinese guy ni cepat2 datang nak masuk tapi macam takde harapan je. So cik yin dengan sepantas kilat tekan butang open untuk that guy masuk. Nasib baik sempat. Dia dengan muka happy pun melangkah masuk sambil tersenyum kat cik adik manis yang berjaya menyelamatkan dia *eceh perasan* tapi yang buatkan hati ni berbunga2 tu sebab dia cakap 'Thank You'. Ye lagi sekali saya sangat sentimental. Benda macam tu pun boleh buat yin happy. Lepas dah sampai level rumah dia, sebelum keluar dia sempat pandang yin n cakap 'bye' sambil tersenyum lagi. *tiada motif lain ye haippp jgn fikir bukan2*. Oklah just nak cakap kat sini yang kadang2 orang sekarang ni macam dah kurang nilai2 murni. So bila masih ada yang begitu, yin suka la. ^,^.
Ok tetiba cerita bab lain plak kan. hehe. Harini ayah dan mama bawak lunch kat subang parade. Sangat kenyang. lepas makan rasa dah xsanggup nak berjalan. *melampau youu*. Tapi bila teringat dalam handbag ni ada kad diskaun yang nak spend sempena birthday di tropicana, terus semangat balik. ^.^ So lepas tu laju2 ke tropicana life *jalan je pun* dan sesi tilik menilik barang apa yg nak dibeli. Tak tau nak beli apa mula2 tuh. cam blur. Sebab memang lah member tropicana life ni, tapi bukan selalu shopping sini pun. Kalau datang pun sebab nak beli beg galas tu coz dapat diskaun hehe. or sweater la. Last2 beli kasut and pencil case. Mama belanja.hehe. Ayah dah beli hadiah awal dah, sebab hadiah tu mahal yin tak sanggup nak pau ayah lagi so pau mama jela. =.=
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Lunch. |
Nampak tak bantal love colour purple tu?yang tu mama kasi jugak hehe. My new bantal busuk. Seingat yin la kan last time yin dapat hadiah dari mama n ayah hadiah yang sebegitu ialah masa umur satu tahun kot. Dapat bear sama besar dengan tuan dia time tu. Thank you mama and ayah! :)
Saya sangat bertuah sebab saya masih ada keluarga dan sahabat2 yang sayangkan saya. Sayang ke?hehe.
Friday, 20 April 2012
Wise thoughts on birthday.
Assalamualaikum peeps! :)
Tajuk english tapi nak tulis BM sebenarnya hehe.
Cik yin memang hanya akan menerjah dunia blogging bila dia rasa ada sesuatu yang nak diluahkan. ececeh. Itulah hakikat. So nak habaq mai skit la kat hampa semua apa yang dok bermain di fikiran ni ha. Post ini mula ditulis pabila jam menunjukkan dah pukul 12.07 am. Jadi harini dah masuk 20 April 2012 la. Ada apa dengan tarikh ni? Hari di mana pada tahun 1991, pada tarikh yang sama, seorang bayi perempuanyang comel telah dilahirkan ke dunia. Menjadi kegembiraan kepada kedua ibu bapa dia yang turut comel kerana merupakan anak sulong dalam keluarga.hehe. Sebab itulah bayi tersebut diberi nama Nur Farihin, yang bermaksud 'cahaya kegembiraanku'.
Okeh bayi tu yin la kan..buat2 tak faham plak hehe. Syukur alhamdulillah, pada hari ini, pada saat ini, yin masih dipanjangkan umur. Sepanjang 21 tahun hidup ni, macam2 pengalaman dan pengajaran hidup yang dah dilalui. Suka duka, pahit manis..macam2 dah rasa. Tapi masih dikira bertuah sebab Allah dah bagi yin macam2 nikmat. Yin cukup bertuah sebab dari kecil sampai sekarang mama dan ayah tak pernah berkira dengan yin dan adik. yela, anak dua org je pun kan. Tapi yin paling manja sebab yin anak perempuan sorang. Boleh dikatakan mostly benda yg yin mintak, mesti dapat. Walaupun yin bukanla dari keluarga yg kaya raya ke apa, cuma sederhana tapi yin bersyukur sangat. Dulu selalu rasa ayah terlalu control yin, maklumla sayang lebih, selalu rasa nak cepat besar. Bila ingat balik sekarang, baru sedar yang yin memang dah meningkat usia, tapi yin tetap anak manja ayah dan mama. :P
Sepanjang hidup 21 tahun ni jugakla yin kenal erti persahabatan. Siapa yang pergi, dan siapa yang tetap setia bersama. Pernah diberi dugaan tapi bila yin redha, Allah gantikan dengan sesuatu yang tidak kurang baiknya. Dari situ yin belajar yang apabila kita redha dengan ujian dan ketentuan dari Allah, Dia akan tunjukkan hikmah di sebalik semua tu.
Oh ye, jumaat lepas, one week before birthday, girlfriends yin yang bertuah tu buat surprise for advance 21st birthday kat papa john's. Siap ada kek yang comel. Thank you la ye korg sebab menjadi yang terawal hehe. Ye saya sangat bertuah kerana masih ada yang sayang hehe. >,<
Tajuk english tapi nak tulis BM sebenarnya hehe.
Cik yin memang hanya akan menerjah dunia blogging bila dia rasa ada sesuatu yang nak diluahkan. ececeh. Itulah hakikat. So nak habaq mai skit la kat hampa semua apa yang dok bermain di fikiran ni ha. Post ini mula ditulis pabila jam menunjukkan dah pukul 12.07 am. Jadi harini dah masuk 20 April 2012 la. Ada apa dengan tarikh ni? Hari di mana pada tahun 1991, pada tarikh yang sama, seorang bayi perempuan
Okeh bayi tu yin la kan..buat2 tak faham plak hehe. Syukur alhamdulillah, pada hari ini, pada saat ini, yin masih dipanjangkan umur. Sepanjang 21 tahun hidup ni, macam2 pengalaman dan pengajaran hidup yang dah dilalui. Suka duka, pahit manis..macam2 dah rasa. Tapi masih dikira bertuah sebab Allah dah bagi yin macam2 nikmat. Yin cukup bertuah sebab dari kecil sampai sekarang mama dan ayah tak pernah berkira dengan yin dan adik. yela, anak dua org je pun kan. Tapi yin paling manja sebab yin anak perempuan sorang. Boleh dikatakan mostly benda yg yin mintak, mesti dapat. Walaupun yin bukanla dari keluarga yg kaya raya ke apa, cuma sederhana tapi yin bersyukur sangat. Dulu selalu rasa ayah terlalu control yin, maklumla sayang lebih, selalu rasa nak cepat besar. Bila ingat balik sekarang, baru sedar yang yin memang dah meningkat usia, tapi yin tetap anak manja ayah dan mama. :P
Sepanjang hidup 21 tahun ni jugakla yin kenal erti persahabatan. Siapa yang pergi, dan siapa yang tetap setia bersama. Pernah diberi dugaan tapi bila yin redha, Allah gantikan dengan sesuatu yang tidak kurang baiknya. Dari situ yin belajar yang apabila kita redha dengan ujian dan ketentuan dari Allah, Dia akan tunjukkan hikmah di sebalik semua tu.
Oh ye, jumaat lepas, one week before birthday, girlfriends yin yang bertuah tu buat surprise for advance 21st birthday kat papa john's. Siap ada kek yang comel. Thank you la ye korg sebab menjadi yang terawal hehe. Ye saya sangat bertuah kerana masih ada yang sayang hehe. >,<
Then hari ahad ayah semangat ajak pergi empire subang untuk present hunting. So yin dapat hadiah birthday awal. The best part was i got to choose my birthday present hihi. Thank you ayah sebab bayarkan! kui2. xD yela takkan kakak yang bayar kot hehe. Akak sale assistant tu sangat comel melayan kami hehe. dan terima kasih juga kepada baucar shopping yang diterima. hehe tak tau lagi nak beli apa.
Doakanlah yang baik2 sempena birthday yin ni ek. Yang mana dah wish tu thank you so much. Semoga doa2 yang baik tu dimakbulkan Allah, aminnn ^.^
Wednesday, 4 April 2012
I don't wanna grow up.
Assalamualaikum peeps! :)
Well, according to my observation for the past few years..i am not growing any inches taller. sigh +,+. But that is not what i meant by growing up here. What i am trying to point out here is that lately, it seems that i cannot accept the fact that i cannot stop my aging process. Err please do not imagine any wrinkles paste on my face. haha.
I have this stupid insecurity that seems to bother me when i reach my birthday. You guys know what i mean right? to be more accurate, i'll be getting older. It just that i am still the same NUR FARIHIN living in the same body but having a soul of 16 years old girl. * eceh feeling muda gitu >,< * Because sometimes i feel like i do not resemble a 21 years old lady. Since i've mentioned it, i'll be reaching my 21st birthday soon. So, an awkward feeling is circulating in my mind, telling me that 'oh no! getting older is not fun at all!'. Being an adult causes you to think a lot..due to more responsibility, more planning (gatai nk kawen), stressing out about almost everything! heh, pengecut betul.haha.
Haish i know i know..nothing i could do to make it stop. But what i can do is to deal with it. I know that there are things which we could never change..no matter how hard we try..there are things we could not avoid. Getting older is a part of life. It is a process of growth and every living things will have to come to an end. Every introduction will eventually face a conclusion. Even though deep inside my heart, i just want to be that little girl with no worries and have a 'never care' attitude..but it will never be that way forever. I have to grow up. Never waste anything for something stupid.
But one thing for sure. I will always be my daddy's little girl. :) *kantoi la plak kan anak manja huhu* I always believe that i am forever young regardless how old i am! hehe.
Well, according to my observation for the past few years..i am not growing any inches taller. sigh +,+. But that is not what i meant by growing up here. What i am trying to point out here is that lately, it seems that i cannot accept the fact that i cannot stop my aging process. Err please do not imagine any wrinkles paste on my face. haha.
Euuwwwww |
Haish i know i know..nothing i could do to make it stop. But what i can do is to deal with it. I know that there are things which we could never change..no matter how hard we try..there are things we could not avoid. Getting older is a part of life. It is a process of growth and every living things will have to come to an end. Every introduction will eventually face a conclusion. Even though deep inside my heart, i just want to be that little girl with no worries and have a 'never care' attitude..but it will never be that way forever. I have to grow up. Never waste anything for something stupid.
But one thing for sure. I will always be my daddy's little girl. :) *kantoi la plak kan anak manja huhu* I always believe that i am forever young regardless how old i am! hehe.
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Comel mcm budak2 x?hehe |
Sunday, 1 April 2012
Assalamualikum peeps! :)
Ish rasa macam lamanya tak tulis blog kan?huhuhu. Hangat2 tahi ayam betol. >,< Biasalah, orang yg busy mengalahkan menteri ni susah nak mengekalkan 'consistency in writing a blog'. Takdela, sejak last entri tu sibuk dengan kelas and bla bla bla macam biasa. Pastu tup tup dah nk final exam. Kesimpulannya *macam buat karangan BM time skola la* sekarang ni dah start sem baru tapi short sem. So subjek hanya dua je hehe. I repeat, DUA sahaja. Itupun bukan core subjects la.
Okay, enough update pasal diri sendiri. Actually nak cakap pasal something yang dok bermain di fikiran sejak tadi. Ini semua gara2 tengok rancangan Safiyya, ala yg kat tv9 tu. Okay jujur suka tengok rancangan tu sebabbanyak pasal fesyen semua xD 'ok stop'.
Tapi ada satu slot tu membincangkan tentang mereka yg sebelum ni tidak memakai hijab kemudian mendapat hidayah untuk berubah. Maksudnya berubah untuk memakai hijab dan menutup aurat la. Rasa terharu dengar dia bercerita tentang kesedaran dia untuk berubah dan yin pun berfikir la. Betapa bertuahnya yin sejak kecil parents sangat menitikberatkan pasal pemakaian hijab.
Ingat dulu time sekolah rendah lagi mama dah suruh pakai tudung bila pergi sekolah, tapi bila keluar ke apa masih tidak berhijab lagila. Masa nak habis standard 3 baru sepenuhnya mengenakan hijab bila keluar ke mana je sampai la ke hari ini.
Yin sangat tertarik dengan apa yang diperkatakan oleh wanita ini bila dia sebut yang berhijab melindungi dia dari perkara2 yg tak elok dan pilihlah kawan yg dapat membawa kita ke arah kebaikan. Jadi tidak bermaksud dengan berhijab kita ni dikatakan kolot, tidak pandai berfesyen, dan berfikiran tidak terbuka.
Berhijab bukan sekadar satu tuntutan agama, tapi banyak hikmah yg boleh kita dapat. Yin juga bukan manusia yg sempurna, masih banyak kelemahan yg ingin diperbaiki dari semasa ke semasa. Cuma pada pendapat yin, tiada alasan untuk kita menunggu untuk datangnya hidayah baru kita nak berhijab. Kita sepatutnya berusaha ke arah itu. Alasan masih belum bersedia tu alasan yg hanya menahan kita daripada melangkah ke arah untuk berubah.
Bagaimana kalau kita tidak sempat untuk berubah sebelum tibanya ajal? Haish diri sendiri pun rasa takut bila fikir. =.= Yin yg dah berhijab ni pun masih banyak kekurangan.
Niat di sini bukan nak berceramah tapi untuk kita sama2 fikirkan baik yg sudah berhijab mahupun yg berniat ke arah itu. :)
Ish rasa macam lamanya tak tulis blog kan?huhuhu. Hangat2 tahi ayam betol. >,< Biasalah, orang yg busy mengalahkan menteri ni susah nak mengekalkan 'consistency in writing a blog'. Takdela, sejak last entri tu sibuk dengan kelas and bla bla bla macam biasa. Pastu tup tup dah nk final exam. Kesimpulannya *macam buat karangan BM time skola la* sekarang ni dah start sem baru tapi short sem. So subjek hanya dua je hehe. I repeat, DUA sahaja. Itupun bukan core subjects la.
Okay, enough update pasal diri sendiri. Actually nak cakap pasal something yang dok bermain di fikiran sejak tadi. Ini semua gara2 tengok rancangan Safiyya, ala yg kat tv9 tu. Okay jujur suka tengok rancangan tu sebab
Tapi ada satu slot tu membincangkan tentang mereka yg sebelum ni tidak memakai hijab kemudian mendapat hidayah untuk berubah. Maksudnya berubah untuk memakai hijab dan menutup aurat la. Rasa terharu dengar dia bercerita tentang kesedaran dia untuk berubah dan yin pun berfikir la. Betapa bertuahnya yin sejak kecil parents sangat menitikberatkan pasal pemakaian hijab.
Ingat dulu time sekolah rendah lagi mama dah suruh pakai tudung bila pergi sekolah, tapi bila keluar ke apa masih tidak berhijab lagila. Masa nak habis standard 3 baru sepenuhnya mengenakan hijab bila keluar ke mana je sampai la ke hari ini.
Yin sangat tertarik dengan apa yang diperkatakan oleh wanita ini bila dia sebut yang berhijab melindungi dia dari perkara2 yg tak elok dan pilihlah kawan yg dapat membawa kita ke arah kebaikan. Jadi tidak bermaksud dengan berhijab kita ni dikatakan kolot, tidak pandai berfesyen, dan berfikiran tidak terbuka.
Berhijab bukan sekadar satu tuntutan agama, tapi banyak hikmah yg boleh kita dapat. Yin juga bukan manusia yg sempurna, masih banyak kelemahan yg ingin diperbaiki dari semasa ke semasa. Cuma pada pendapat yin, tiada alasan untuk kita menunggu untuk datangnya hidayah baru kita nak berhijab. Kita sepatutnya berusaha ke arah itu. Alasan masih belum bersedia tu alasan yg hanya menahan kita daripada melangkah ke arah untuk berubah.
Bagaimana kalau kita tidak sempat untuk berubah sebelum tibanya ajal? Haish diri sendiri pun rasa takut bila fikir. =.= Yin yg dah berhijab ni pun masih banyak kekurangan.
Niat di sini bukan nak berceramah tapi untuk kita sama2 fikirkan baik yg sudah berhijab mahupun yg berniat ke arah itu. :)
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Ikhlas dari saya hihi. |
Saturday, 28 January 2012
Beautiful people
Korang suka tak tengok manusia2 cantik? yin suka! I'm talking about cantik, not handsome bebeh hehe. Jom tengok manusia2 cantik yang yin rasa cantik wuahahahahahaha. Ciptaan Allah itu indah bukan.
Okeh habis turun keyakinan diriku hihik xD Post ni hanya suka2 je mengisi masa lapang. walaupun sebenarnya ada je keje xsiap hahaha.saya suka tengok mereka2 yg cantik ni sebab kot2 la dapat aura tengok org cantik nanti kita pun rasa cantik ke. erk! merepek.
Cik dayah
Cik nani
Miranda Kerr |
Taylor Swift |
Zooey |
Hana Tajima |
Okeh habis turun keyakinan diriku hihik xD Post ni hanya suka2 je mengisi masa lapang. walaupun sebenarnya ada je keje xsiap hahaha.saya suka tengok mereka2 yg cantik ni sebab kot2 la dapat aura tengok org cantik nanti kita pun rasa cantik ke. erk! merepek.
akhir sekali to my beautiful gfs,
Cik teha
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Teha |
Cik dayah
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Dayah |
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Nani |
My gfs are beautiful inside and out. Lucky to be surrounded by beautiful people. :)
Setiap ciptaan Allah itu indah, bergantung pada manusia yg menilai.
Saya bersyukur dengan apa yg saya miliki.
Lots of love, assalamualaikum :D
p/s: sori yin curi gambar. pada yg brkenaan je paham hehe xD
p/s: sori yin curi gambar. pada yg brkenaan je paham hehe xD
Sunday, 22 January 2012
Friday, 20 January 2012
Assalamualaikum peeps. :)
Another post just after one day? are u kidding me?hihik xD Holiday has just started to sparkle and everyone must be very excited to have a great escape from classes and so on. *yang memang dh cuti tu xpayahla..anda memang bercuti pun kan hehe* That includes me definitely. :D But homework are not meant to be kept because i must submit everything after this holiday.huhu. Well, back to the topic!
This is a general post that I do not intentionally pointing out to anyone in particular. It is only based on my own experience, thoughts, and from my observation. Let's keep the good parts and leave the bad one. I have a very great friendship indeed! And that is why I always tell myself to appreciate them and give my best to keep this friendship until forever. :) But sometimes, not everything will last forever even though it was once a terrific one. Maybe there are reasons behind everything that happens and of course, life must go on as usual. In my opinion, we still have our responsibility even though we had ended the friendship. The responsibility is not only applied to ourselves but also to the friend that once our best friend. What I meant by this is that some of us are using hatred and emotions to get revenge or to satisfy your own feelings.
Are you really satisfed? By doing those sort of things? Is that good enough to clean your 'extreme dislike'? If your answer is YES, let me tell you that you should seek for help. Yup, you have a big emotional problem. You may say that the person that was your friend had done such a terrible thing which you may not forget and forgive. I think if you really appreciate what both of you have had before, you will not use your anger to get back to that particular person. Because at the end, both of you will get hurt. I extremely disagree to some people who tend to use nasty words and humiliate other people for their own satisfaction. At least, please use wise words and try to give it in a form of advice instead of trying to make it sounds so wrong. Because I think you have just humiliated your own self as people can see the other side of you which is full of hatred. Do not be so quick to jump to an assumption without knowing things from every aspects. Akhir kata, muhasabah diri.
Akal diberi untuk berfikir, jadi berfikirlah dengan bijaksana.
Fitnah adalah penyakit yg kronik.
Another post just after one day? are u kidding me?hihik xD Holiday has just started to sparkle and everyone must be very excited to have a great escape from classes and so on. *yang memang dh cuti tu xpayahla..anda memang bercuti pun kan hehe* That includes me definitely. :D But homework are not meant to be kept because i must submit everything after this holiday.huhu. Well, back to the topic!
This is a general post that I do not intentionally pointing out to anyone in particular. It is only based on my own experience, thoughts, and from my observation. Let's keep the good parts and leave the bad one. I have a very great friendship indeed! And that is why I always tell myself to appreciate them and give my best to keep this friendship until forever. :) But sometimes, not everything will last forever even though it was once a terrific one. Maybe there are reasons behind everything that happens and of course, life must go on as usual. In my opinion, we still have our responsibility even though we had ended the friendship. The responsibility is not only applied to ourselves but also to the friend that once our best friend. What I meant by this is that some of us are using hatred and emotions to get revenge or to satisfy your own feelings.
Are you really satisfed? By doing those sort of things? Is that good enough to clean your 'extreme dislike'? If your answer is YES, let me tell you that you should seek for help. Yup, you have a big emotional problem. You may say that the person that was your friend had done such a terrible thing which you may not forget and forgive. I think if you really appreciate what both of you have had before, you will not use your anger to get back to that particular person. Because at the end, both of you will get hurt. I extremely disagree to some people who tend to use nasty words and humiliate other people for their own satisfaction. At least, please use wise words and try to give it in a form of advice instead of trying to make it sounds so wrong. Because I think you have just humiliated your own self as people can see the other side of you which is full of hatred. Do not be so quick to jump to an assumption without knowing things from every aspects. Akhir kata, muhasabah diri.
Akal diberi untuk berfikir, jadi berfikirlah dengan bijaksana.
Fitnah adalah penyakit yg kronik.
sarang labah2 heh
Assalamualaikum peeps. :)
Where's the spider web where? *innocent-looking face trying to search for scary little spider* ok im just joking. it's sarcastically referring to my so called lonely blog which had been ignored for quite sometimes. i'm so sorry dear, i just could not entertain you because i have so many things to look after. alasan? student's life. Well i've just finished my midsem exams last week and my classes still go on as usual. no holiday for me except for this upcoming Chinese New Year. *happy face* but still i have to do my lab reports, bla bla bla. ok done with those boring subjects.
I just want to tell my current activities last few weeks. classes, shopping, hanging out with gfs. I feel so lucky to have girlfriends that are always there for me, through ups and downs. I do not think that I would be able to finish writing a dedication for them in just one day because what they had done was more than a thank you-appreciation. They deserve more than that. Here are some pics during those happy days hehe.
Last monday, we celebrated nani's 21st birthday at her house but it was a surprise party hehe. I was glad we managed to pull this off. thanks to my superb team, dayah and teha. and also to nani's mom and siblings.
Where's the spider web where? *innocent-looking face trying to search for scary little spider* ok im just joking. it's sarcastically referring to my so called lonely blog which had been ignored for quite sometimes. i'm so sorry dear, i just could not entertain you because i have so many things to look after. alasan? student's life. Well i've just finished my midsem exams last week and my classes still go on as usual. no holiday for me except for this upcoming Chinese New Year. *happy face* but still i have to do my lab reports, bla bla bla. ok done with those boring subjects.
I just want to tell my current activities last few weeks. classes, shopping, hanging out with gfs. I feel so lucky to have girlfriends that are always there for me, through ups and downs. I do not think that I would be able to finish writing a dedication for them in just one day because what they had done was more than a thank you-appreciation. They deserve more than that. Here are some pics during those happy days hehe.
Last monday, we celebrated nani's 21st birthday at her house but it was a surprise party hehe. I was glad we managed to pull this off. thanks to my superb team, dayah and teha. and also to nani's mom and siblings.
Great moments are meant to be kept and stored in my special book of memories forever. :)
Thanks to my love for great presents.
And last but not least, don't worry be happy :D
p/s: why kena bayar rm13 utk dean's list award ceremony? i dowan huhu xD ok bye
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